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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2715   View pdf image (33K)
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Alteration of.
Clerk to give
1) 011 (1.
Court for said county. The commissioners for said
town may hereafter from time to time, and at all
times, make such alterations in or additions to the
said limits, as they may deem advisable, and cause
the same to be surveyed, and the boundaries thereof
to be established, and a record thereof to be filed
among the records of said corporation, and in the
office of said dork, in a reasonable time after such
alterations or additions shall have been made.
SEC. 55. The County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery county shall, at their first meeting in the
month of May next, and annually thereafter at their
first meeting in said month, or as soon thereafter as
shall be reasonably convenient, appoint three com-
missioners for Rockville, who shall be substantial
citizens, resident within the corporate limits of said
town, for at least three years next preceding their
appointment, and continue to reside therein during
their continuance in office, to serve for one year from
the date of their appointment, and until their suc-
cessors are appointed and qualified, and said County
Commissioners shall designate one of said number
to be President of the Commissioners for Rockville,.
during the said term, and in case any vacancy shall
occur in the commissioners for Rockville during the
term for which they shall be appointed, by death,
resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise,
such vacancy shall be filled by said County Com-
missioners in a reasonable time after the same shall
happen. The said commissioners for Rockville shall
receive no compensation for their services as such
except the President, who shall receive the fees here-
inafter allowed.
SEC. 64. The clerk shall annually give bond to the
commissioners for Rockville in a penalty of double
the amount of the taxes levied by said commission-
ers for Rockville, on the assessable property of said
town, and the amount payable by said County Com-
missioners to the commissioners for Rockville, with
sureties, to be approved by said commissioners for
Rockville, conditioned for the faithful performance
of the duties of his office, which said bond, with the
approval thereof, shall be filed by said commissioners.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2715   View pdf image (33K)
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