due him in State cases at the October term, eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine, April and October terms,
eighteen hundred and seventy, and April and Octo-
ber terms, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, nine
hundred and forty-seven dollars and twenty-five
cents; and to John Turnbull, Jr., and company, five
hundred and thirty-eight dollars and eighty cents,
for carpeting and oil-cloth furnished for Senate
chamber, by order of the Secretary of the Senate.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from and after its passage.
Approved March 20, 1872.
In force.
AN ACT to direct the Comptroller to issue his war-
rant to the Treasurer to pay to Luther Giddings the
sum of twenty-four hundred and ninety-five dollars
for printing, binding, and distributing the report of
the Board of State School Commissioners, for the
year eighteen hundred and seventy.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of ,
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be i
and he is hereby directed to issue his warrant to the
Treasurer to pay to Luther Giddings the sum of
twenty-tour hundred and nine-five dollars, which
said sum is in full for furnishing paper, printing,
binding and distributing three thousand copies of
the report of the Board of State School Commission-
ers, for the year eighteen hundred and seventy, by
order of the Governor, in accordance with the Act
of eighteen hundred and seventy, providing for a
system of Free Public Schools, chapter three hun-
dred and eleven, sub-chapter twelve, section eleven.
SEC. 2. And be It enacted. That this Act shall fake
effect from and after the day of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1872.
directed to
issue warrant
to pay Luther
In force.