Lay off
Durable land-
of survey and
AN ACT entitled a supplement to an Act, entitled
" an Act to lay off streets in Baltimore county,
adjoining Baltimore city, and to repeal certain
Acts inconsistent therewith," passed by the General
Assembly of Maryland, at the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whenever the Street Commissioners,
appointed under the provisions of an Act, entitled
" an Act to lay oft" streets in Baltimore county ad-
joining Baltimore city, and to repeal certain Acts
inconsistent therewith," passed by the General
Assembly of Maryland at its January session, eigh-
teen hundred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, shall
have laid off any street or streets, avenue or avenues,
square or squares, alley or alleys under the provis-
ions of said Act, and shall have caused the same, and
the limits thereof to be marked with so many and
such durable land-marks as they shall think neces-
sary, they shall be and are hereby required to return,
without delay, the plat of survey and location, with
proper explanation, to the County Commissioners, of
Baltimore county, who shall proceed at once in the
matter of the ratification and confirmation of such sur-
vey and location, in such manner and after such notice
shall have been given and proceedings had and taken,
as are required by the provisions of said Act of eigh-
teen hundred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, to be
given, had and taken in reference to the streets, ave-
nues, so squares and alleys, to belaid off under said Act,
and whenever said County Commissioners shall have
ratified and confirmed, as aforesaid, the location and
survey of any such street, avenue, square or alley, the
said Street Commissioners, on application to them in
writing, signed by the owners of the majority of
front feet of ground bounding or fronting thereon,
shall proceed to establish the grade of such street,
avenue, square or alley, although the same shall not
have been opened or graded, nor application for that
purpose made, and upon and after such establishment