Justices of
the Peace and
In force
Justices of the Peace and four Constables; for Elec-
tion District number four, two Justices of the Peace
and one Constable; for Election District number
five, one Justice of the Peace and one Constable; for
Election District number six, two Justices of the Peace
and one Constable; for Election District number
seven, two Justices of the Peace and one Constable;
for Election District number eight, four Justices of
the Peace and four Constables; for Election District
number nine, two Justices of the Peace and one Con-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 1, 1872.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments,
chapter forty-four of the Act of eighteen hundred
and seventy, entitled an Act to repeal and re-enact
with amendments, section one hundred and sev-
enty, article thirty, Public General Laws, entitled
" Crime and Punishments," sub-title "Rivers."
SECTION 1. Be it <'na (ti by thr Gincral Assembly of
Maryland, That chapter forty-four, of the Acts of
eighteen hundred and seventy, be and the same is
hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows:
170. If any ballast, ashes, filth, earth, soil, oysters
or oyster shells, be taken, unladen or cast out of any
ship, steamboat, scow, pungy or other vessel, on any
pretence whatever, in the Chesapeake Bay, above
" Sandy Point," or in the -waters of Herring Bay, or
in any river, creek or harbor, within this State, be-
low high water mark; the master, or other person
having charge or command of such ship, steamboat,
scow or other vessel, shall, upon conviction thereof