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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2662   View pdf image (33K)
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tion, all acts and things which may lawfully he done,
performed and suffered by a natural person.
SEC. 2. And fie if enacted. That this corporation, or
a majority of the members of the same, shall have
full power to make a system of rules and regulations
under the denomination of a constitution and by laws,
or otherwise, not inconsistent with the laws of the
State, for the management of the affairs of the said
club, and the same to alter and amend, abrogate and
annul, whenever they may think proper; and the
present officers of the club shall continue in their
respective stations until an election shall be made
under this Act; and the constitution, by-laws and
rules now in force, not inconsistent with the laws
of this State, shall be good and valid until altered,
amended or abrogated by the corporation.
SEC. 3. And he it enacted, That the object of the
said corporation shall be the improvement of the
breed of horses; and in carrying out the said object
the said corporation may hold one or more meetings
in each year, at such place as it may select, for the
exhibition and trial of such animals as it may deem
proper, and may otter and give such premiums as it
may determine on, for superiority in the object
sought for.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That all acts heretofore
done, and all acts to he done, by the persons consti-
tuting the "Maryland Jockey Club," in furtherance
of the object of its formation, and all mortgages,
bonds or other instruments made to such persons, so
associated, shall remain and continue in full force
and virtue, at law and in equity, in like manner as
if such unincorporated association of persons had
originally been a body corporate.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That, for the purpose of
preserving order and protecting property, the Police
Commissioners of the city of Baltimore be and they
are hereby authorized, upon the request of the Presi-
dent of the said club, to detail such force as they
may deem. sufficient for the preservation of order
during any exhibition of the said club, which detailed

Rules and
Good and
Give pre-
bonds, &c.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2662   View pdf image (33K)
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