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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2661   View pdf image (33K)
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Common seal
AN ACT to incorporate the Maryland Jockey Club.
WHEREAS, a number of persons have formed an as-
sociation for the improvement of the breed of horses,
and are now desirous of being incorporated; there-
SECTION 1. -Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Oden Bowie, of Prince George's
county; Jacob Tome, of Cecil county; Edward
Lloyd and 8. Hambleton, of Talbot county; John
Lee Carroll, of Howard county; Alexander D. Brown,
John Merryman and Lewis Turner, Jr., of Baltimore
county; W. H. DeCourcey, of Queen Anne's county;
Henry T. Weld, of Alleghany county; A. K. Abell,
Washington Booth, W. W. Corcoran, John W. Gar-
rett, H. D. G. Carroll, James L. dark, Robert A.
Fisher, Robert Fowler, J. Hall Pleasants, William
Devries, A. W. Dennison, Hamilton Easter, C. C.
Fulton, Robert Garrett, W. W. Glenn, Jas. Hodges,
.). Stricker Jenkins, Henry E. Johnston, J. Wilcox
Brown, Robert R. Kirkland, Louis McLane, C. Oli-
ver O'Donnell, J. Howard McHenry, Robert Renwick, Frederick -Raine, -Hugh Sisson, W. Prescott
Smith, Henry Tyson, George Small, J. Alexander
Shriver, C. Morton Stewart, J. P. Thom, Samuel H.
Tagart, J. Hanson Thomas, S. Teackle Wallis, Wil-
liam T. Walters, Thomas Swann, John Carroll Walsh,
and Evan Stanley Rodgers, and then' associates, who
now constitute the Maryland Jockey Club, and such
others as shall be hereafter admitted members of the
same, be and they are hereby constituted a body
politic and corporate, with succession under the name
and style of the Maryland Jockey Club, with power
to them and tlieir successors to adopt a common seal,
and the same to alter and change, and by the cor-
porate name above mentioned, to sue and be sued,
implead and be impleaded, and to take and hold
property, real, personal and mixed, and the same to
sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of, and in gen-
eral to do, perform and suffer, with reference to the
hereinbefore mentioned purpose of their incorpora-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2661   View pdf image (33K)
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