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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2658   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 15. Ant! he if enacted, That all vessels, sink-
boats, sink-boxes, sneak-boats, and other craft, and
all guns, and decoy ducks, seized and condemned
under the provisions of tins Act, shall be sold by the
Constable, or Sheriff' of the county, in which such
condemnation may be made, at public sale, after
giving twenty days notice of the time and place of
of such sale, by advertisement in one newspaper in
the comity where such condemnation may be made,
and by written or printed notice being posted up, at
four of the most public places within two miles of the
place of such sale; to the highest bidder, for cash,
and the proceeds of such. sale or sales after deducting+
all the legal expenses of seizure, condemnation, and
sale, shall be divided as follows, viz: one half to the
officer making the seizure, and the other half to the
person or persons, aiding the officer in making the
SEC. 16. And be it enacted That John Mahan and
Henry J. Poplar, of Harford county, and Benjamin
Die, of Cecil county, and their successors, be and
they are hereby appointed a Board of Special Police,
with power and authority to appoint as many depu-
ties from among those who take out a license under
the provisions of this Act as, in their judgment, may
be necessary to enforce the provisions of this Act,
with powers to arrest without warrant all persons
who may be detected by them in violating any of its
provisions, and to carry such person or persons be-
fore a Justice of the Peace, to be dealt with accord-
ing to the provisions of this Act; and said Special
Police shall be paid for their services a reasonable
sum, to be fixed by the Judges of the Circuit Court
of the county in which such services are rendered.
out of the moneys, and no other, received by the (
Clerks of the Circuit Courts of Harford and Cecil
counties, for licenses issued by them for the privilege
of shooting wild-fowl; and in case there should be a
surplus remaining after paying said Police Force,
such surplus shall be paid over, at the expiration of:
each gunning season, to the School Commissioners of:
Harford and Cecil counties, respectively, to be ap
plied to school purposes; and all vacancies that may
occur from any cause in the said State Board of

Seized and
To be sold.
Special police
May arrest
' without war-
! rant.

, Vacancies.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2658   View pdf image (33K)
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