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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2657   View pdf image (33K)
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Special police
Arrest of

Resistance to,
boat, for the use of which lie may issue a license, and
also a correct account of the sum of money paid by
each person receiving a license, and the official bond
of said clerks, shall be liable respectively for the
moneys received buy them for such licenses.
SEC; . 13. And be it enacted, That the Board of Special
Police, appointed by the sixteenth section of this Act,
sire hereby constituted officers of tins State, for the
purpose of enforcing its provisions, by arresting and
taking before any Judge of any Circuit Court, or any
Justice of the Peace, all persons who may be engaged
in violating, or who may have violated any of the
provisions of this Act, and of seizing any sink-box,
sneak-boat, or vessel, or craft of any description en-
gaged in violating, or which may have been used in
violating the same, and every person in whose use
or possession, a gun may be found, on the waters
aforesaid, of a larger size than is allowed and described
in section five of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of
a violation of this Act, and shall he fined not less than
one hundred dollars, and shall also forfeit such
unlawful gun or guns, found in his or their possession.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted. That upon information
being given, under oath, to any Justice of the Peace
of either Harford or Cecil county, of any violation of
any of the provisions of this Act, the said. Justice of
the Peace, shall issue his warrant for the arrest of the
offender or offenders, and the seizure of all sink-boxes,
sneak-boats, vessels, or other crafts, used or employed
in such violation, together with all tackle, apparel,
rind other property on board, which warrant shall be
directed to the Sheriff or any Constable of the county,
or to one or more of the Special Police appointed
under, or by virtue of the provisions of this Act,
and any person resisting an officer, or other person
authorized to make arrests and seizures under this
Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
indictment and conviction thereof in a Circuit Court,
shall pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars, and not
more than one hundred, dollars, or he imprisoned
in the county jail, for not less than one month, nor
more than sixty days, or both fined and imprisoned
within the limits herein prescribed, in the discre-
; ion of the Court.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2657   View pdf image (33K)
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