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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2659   View pdf image (33K)
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May appeal.
To give bond
Fine for
How recov-
Penalty for
Time inter-
Special Police, shall be filled by the County Commissioners of the county wherein such vacancies may
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That any party or par-
ties against whom any Justice of the Peace may
render a judgment, under this Act, either to pay a
fine or of condemnation of property, may at any
time within ten days from the redention of such
judgment, appeal from such judgment to the Circuit
Court of the county wherein the same may have
been rendered; but no execution or sale shall be
stayed, unless the party appealing shall give bond,
with two sufficient securities, to be approved of by
the Justice, to the State of Maryland, in double the
value of the property condemned, or of the fine im-
posed, as the case may be, with condition to prose-
cute such appeal with effect to the Circuit Court at its
next session thereafter, and to pay the value of the
property condemned, and. fine imposed, and. all costs
attending such proceedings, in case judgment shall
be confirmed.
SEC. 18. And be enacted, That if any person shall
violate any of the provisions of this Act, he shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable
for the fine imposed for such violation, and the same
may be recovered by action of debt, in the name of.
the State, before a. Justice of the Peace of either
Harford, Kent or Cecil county, or by indictment in
the Circuit Court of either of said counties; and
when any person is convicted of the violation of any
of the provisions of this Act, and refuses or neglects
to pay the fine for which judgment is given against
him, he shall be committed to tire county jail for a
period of time not less than forty and not more than
forty days, but the party or parties so committed to
be released on the payment of the fine, costs and jail
SEC. 19. And be it enacted. That for the time inter-
vening between the time of the passage of this Act
and the thirty-first day of March next ensuing, each
person applying for a license for a sink-box, or for a
sneak-boat, shall pay for each respectively, a propor-
tionate sum for said time or for any shorter time.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2659   View pdf image (33K)
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