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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2656   View pdf image (33K)
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boat used and employed in gunning after wild water-
fowl, shall be licensed as required by this Act, and
be subject to all the provisions of the several sections
SEC. 10. And be It enacted. That each and every
license issued by authority of this Act, shall state the
name and residence of the person to whom the same
may be granted, the name or number of the sink-box
or sneak-boat licensed, and the county in which the
same may be obtained, and the period at which said
license shall expire.
SEC. 11. And be. it enacted, That every applicant for
a license to use a sink-box, or, sneak-boat, shall be re-
quired to make oath before the clerk of the court author-
ized to issue the same, that he isa 'bona fide resident
of the State, and that he will obey and comply with all
the provisions of this Act, regulating shooting of wild
water-fowl northward of the line named and described
in the first section of this Act, and every person to
whom such license may be granted, shall be required
to paint the name or number of his sink-box, or sneak-
boat, on some prominent part thereof in large legible
letters or numbers, as the case may be, to correspond
with said name, or number in such license, and any
person who shall use or employ a sink-box, or sneak-
boat, without having first obtained a license, as re-
quired by the preceding sections of this Act so to do,
shall on conviction thereof before a Justice of the
Peace, be fined not less than fifty dollars, and not
more than one hundred dollars, for each and every
violation thereof, one half of said fine to he paid to
the informer, and the other half to the School Com-
missioners of the county in which said offence may
he committed, for school purposes.
{SEC. 12. And be It enacted. That the Clerk of the
Circuit Court who shall issue a license, in compliance
with the requirements of this Act, shall be entitled
to charge and receive, seventy-five cents for issuing
the same, and the Clerks of the said Circuit Courts,
shall each keep a register of the name and residences
of the persons to whom he shall issue licenses, also
the name and number of each sink-box, and sneak-

Name and
Make oath.
Paint name.
Charge for 1


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2656   View pdf image (33K)
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