mulation of capital may require, or make advisable;
subscription to which increased stock may be made
at such time or times, as the President and Directors
of the said. company shall appoint.
SEC. 4. And he it enacted, That this Act shall not
take effect unless the same shall be accepted by the
stockholders of the said Lincoln Coal, Iron, Fire-
brick and Oil Company, at a general meeting of
said stockholders, but in case of the acceptance of
this Act by the said stockholders, at such general
meeting, this Act shall forthwith go into full effect
.and operation.
Approved February 28, 1872.
Not in force,
In force.
AN ACT to release William W. Watkins, Josiah
Groves, Benjamin II. Dorsey, J. Wolfersberger,
8. F. Cobb, William B. Collier, Samuel Burgess,
William H. Scott, H. E. Wootton, George Burgess,
Beal Helm and Robert Wilson, securities on the
"bond of Thomas McCrae, Jr., Collector of State
and County Taxes -of the first collection district of
Howard county, for the year eighteen hundred and
sixty-nine, from the payment of interest on State
tax, levied on said district, for said year eighteen
hundred and sixty-nine.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William W. Watkins, Josiah Groves,
Benjamin H. Dorsey, J. Wolfersberger, S. F. Cobb,
William B. Collier, Samuel Burgess, William H.
Scott, H. E. Wootton, George Burgess, Beat Helm
and Robert Wilson, securities on the bond of Thos.
McCrae, Jr., Collector of State and County Taxes of
the first collection district of Howard county, for the
from paym't
of interest.