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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2647   View pdf image (33K)
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of business.
Fill vacancies
capital stock.
Fire-brick and Oil Company, incorporated by the
Act of January session, eighteen hundred and sixty-
five, chapter two hundred and six, be and the same
is hereby changed to the name of " The Newr Cen-
tral Coal Company," and that the said Lincoln Coal,
Iron, Fire-brick and Oil Company, shall be hereafter
known and designated by the name of " The New
Central Coal Company," and shall, under the name-
last aforesaid, have and succeed to all the rights,
privileges, powers and property of the said " The
Lincoln Coal, Iron, Fire-brick and Oil Company,
and shall be subject to all the debts, engagements, con-
tracts and liabilities of the said last named, company,
it being the intent of tills Act to effect no other
change in the said Lincoln Coal, Iron, Fire-brick
and Oil Company, except a change in the name
thereof, and except in such other particulars as are
in this Act set forth.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the business and
affairs of the said " The New Central Coal Company,"
shall be managed and all its powers be exercised by
a President and ten Directors, who shall be chosen
at the time or times, and in the manner provided for
in the Act incorporating the said Lincoln Coal, Iron,
Fire-brick and Oil Company, and the President and
existing Directors of the said company shall have the
right to fill any vacancies in the said Board of
Directors, after the acceptance of this Act, in the
same manner as they would have been authorized
to fill such vacancies had the same occurred in the
number of the Directors originally authorized 1) by the
Act, of which this Act is amendatory; and the said
President and Directors of the said " The New Cen-
tral Coal Company," are hereby authorized to ap-
point a Vice-President of the said company, if they
shall deem it necessary so to do.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the President and
Directors of the said " The New Central Coal Com-
pany," are hereby authorized to increase from time
to time the capital stock of the said corporation, by
such number of shares, not exceeding twenty-five
thousand additional shares, as in their Judgment the
increase of the business of the company, or its accu-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 2647   View pdf image (33K)
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