AN ACT to repeal the fifth section of an Act entitled
" an Act to incorporate the Western Avenue Com-
pany," passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty, chapter one hundred and twelve.
and to enact the following in lieu thereof:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section five of the Act entitled " an
Act to incorporate the Western Avenue Company,"
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and
sixty, chapter one hundred and twelve, be and the
same is hereby repealed, and that the following be
enacted in lieu thereof:
FIVE. Be it enacted, That the company, hereby in-
corporated and organized, shall have power to make
and construct a continuous road from the western
terminus of any street of the city of Baltimore, to the
village of Catonsville, by as direct a route as may be
deemed practicable by the directors of this company,
of such material as the President and Director?,
chosen under the provisions of this Act, shall direct,
which road shall be of a width not exceeding one
hundred feet, of which at least eighteen feet shall be
composed of broken stone, gravel or hard substance,
with good and sufficient bridge over any stream cross-
ing the same.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That tins Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 12, 1872.
Section re-
to make road.
In force.
AN ACT authorizing the County Commissioners for
Frederick county to subscribe to the capital stock
of the Liberty and Frederick Turnpike Road Com-
pany, of Frederick county.
SECTION 1. .Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners for Fred-
to subscribe
for stock.