Volume 188, Page 649 View pdf image (33K) |
So the amendment was adopted. Mr. Merrick submitted the following amendments : Strike out the figure "2," after the word " section," and Which were severally read and adopted. Mr. Merrick submitted the following amendment: Strike out the figure "3," after the word ' section," and Which was adopted. Mr. Marbury submitted the following amendment: Add a new section to come in as section 3 : And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect whenever Which was rejected. Mr. Merrick submitted the following amendment: Amend title by inserting after the ward "protect," the Which was adopted. Mr. Watkins moved that the Committee do now rise, re- Decided in the affirmative. The Committee then rose, The Speaker resumed the Chair, And, through Mr. Webb, Chairman, Reported that they had had under consideration the bill
Volume 188, Page 649 View pdf image (33K) |
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