ception of the collector's account for 1865, which seems to
have been overlooked by the clerk in making up and sending
out the account last year. The accounts as embraced in Ta-
ble No 17 of the same Report (save those for 1868 and 1869,
which were not due,) have all been sent out for suit. Also,
all the accounts due as per Table No. 18 (with the exception
of some in Baltimore city) have been placed in the hands of
the State's Attorneys for suit ; those in Baltimore city were
referred to the State's Attorney of said city, and he was re-
quested to examine the bonds and report if there was any
chance to make all or a part of the money due b'y them ; he
has not as yet made such report. Table No. 19 embraces a
list of incorporated Institutions, from which, with the excep-
tions noted therein, no taxes have been received. Many of
these are still in existence, but the greater portion of them
have become extinct.
I am under the impression, if the provisions of chap. 210
of 1868 were extended to embrace incorporated Institutions,
a considerable amount might be derived from those referred
to, or if found worthless, they could then be stricken from
the books of this office. I am also under the impression that
a considerable sum could be derived from these companies,
had the Comptroller the power to examine into their assets,
&c. I am unable to give the reasons of the several State's
Attorneys of the State for not ordering executions on the
judgments obtained by them, except that their judgment of
the State's interest induces them to proceed cautiously (owing
to the great scarcity of money in the State) by the lenient and
literal measures adopted. I will say, however, in conclusion,
that a considerable amount of.the arrearages as reported Sep-
tember 30, 1869, have been since paid, and with one or two
exceptions, I believe the State's Attorneys are working for
the best interest of the State. I am unable to give the rea-
sons why a number of these old claims were permitted to re-
main so long on the books without any effort to enforce their
payment by law.
Respectfully submitted,
Comptroller of the Treasury.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Ways
and Means. "
The following communication from the Commissioner of
the Land Office:
To the Honorable F. C. Latrobe,
Speaker of the House of Delegates:
The Commissioner of the Land Office would respectfully
represent, that he was appointed Commissioner of the Land