FRIDAY, March 4, 1870.
The House met and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Southgate.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Latrobe, (Speaker,) Loker, Martin. Wilmer, Kil-
bourn, Mitchell, Cameron, Shipley, Gatch, Choate, Hardcas-
tle, of Talbot, Brattan, Lankford, Harrington, Woolford,
Touchstone, Owens, Richards, Biddle, Marbury, Wootton,
Duvall, Dennis, Thomas, of Frederick, White, Baldwin, of
Harford, Hopkins, Hardcastle, of Caroline, Banner, Hamil-
ton, Cooper, Wilson, of Baltimore city, Wiley, McLane, Col-
ton, Collins, Gardner, Markland, Hoblitzell, Neill, Murdoek,
Sword, Seibert, Veitch, Kean, Wilson, of Allegany, Stan-
dish,Myers, Percy, Shower, Jordan, Winters, Merrick, Craw-
The Speaker laid before the House the following Repoit of
the Hon. Levin Woolford, Comptroller of the Treasury, in
response to an order of the House :
Annapolis, March 3, 1870.
Hon. F. C. Latrobe,
Speaker of the House of Delegates:
DEAR SIR: In compliance with the following order passed
the House on the 1st instant, to wit:
Ordered by the House of Delegates, that the Comptroller
inform this House what bonds of Clerks', Registers, Sheriffs,
Collectors of Taxes, and other receivers of public moneys have
been put in suit in compliance with section 19, of Article 22,
and section 78, of Article 81, and section 147, of Article 81,
as amended by the Act of 1868, chapter 196, and th« rea-
sons, if any, why said Acts have not been enforced"—
I beg leave to state that all the bonds of collectors, except
those for 1868, as reported in Table 16 of the last Comp-
troller's Report, in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Ca-
roline, Carroll, Cecil, Charles, Dorchester, Harford, How-
ard, Kent, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, St.
Mary's, Talbot, Washington, and Worcester counties, have
been sent to the State's Attorneys for suit. In the case of
the Baltimore city collectors, I will state that when the term
of one collector expires, he turns over all arrearages on his.
books to his successor for collection ; hence, for this reason,
and the belief that most of the arrearages are insolvencies,
there has been no suit ordered. In case of Calvert county, I
will state that all of the accounts in said Table No. 16 for
that county were sent to the State's Attorney, with the ex-