Touchstone, Owens, Richards, Biddle, Marbury, Wootton,
Duvall, Thomas, of Q. Anne's, Thomas, of Frederick, Bow-
lus,McCreery, Ritter, Baldwin, of Harford, Hopkins, Garey,
Sanner, Hamilton, Cooper, Morse, Blake, Webb, Wilson, of
Baltimore-city, Wiley, McLane, Colton, Kirk, Collins, Ehlen,
Gardner, Markland, Marshall, Hoblitzell, Welty, Sword,
Seibert, Hilton, Veitch, Kean, Wilson, of Allegany, Stand-
ish, Myers, Percy, Shower, Jordan, Grouse, Merrick, Craw-
ford, Gordy—69.
The Speaker laid before the Ho,use the Report of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore county, in response to
an order of the House.
Which was read and referred to the Select Committee on
Retrenchment of County Expenses.
The following bills having passed both branches of the
General Assembly, were this day submitted to his Excel-
lency, the Governor, for his approval:
An Act granting the assent of the General Assembly of
Maryland to a bequest of a legacy made in the last will and
testament of Josias Ramsey, late of Cecil county, deceased.
to the Trustees of the Methodist Protestant Church at New
Leeds, in Cecil county.
An Act to incorporate the Convention of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Easton.
An Act to repeal section nine hundred and thirty-nine,
Article four, of the Public Local Laws, relating to Baltimore
city, sub-title "Water," as enacted by chapter four hundred
and sixty-seven, of the Acts of Assembly, passed at the Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and to re-
enact the said section so as to read, as follows :
An Act to repeal sections one and two of chapter two
hundred and, forty, passed at the December session of the
General Assembly, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled
an Act to amend Article four, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, relating to the City of Baltimore, by imposing penal-
ties for polluting the water in Swan Lake, the dam, reser-
voir, line, of conduit, water pipes, gate house, or other works
constructed or used in supplying the City of Baltimore with
water, or injuring, defacing, or destroying the same, and to
re-enact the said sections so as to read as follows.
An Act to incorporate the Cecil Fire Brick Company, in
Cecil county.
An Act to refund to John R. Robertson, late Sheriff of
Charles county, the sum of forty-nine dollars and fourteen
cents, being interest upon the balance of his account, as ad-