justed by the Comptroller, September 30, 1869, under Act
1868, chapter 210.
An Act entitled a supplement to the Act entitled an Act
to create and incorporate the Monocacy and Montgomery
Turnpike Company, chapter 179, passed January session,"
1865, to repeal sections two, three and seven thereof, and
re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act to amend an Act passed March 18, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-seven, entitled an -Act to revive and extend
an Act to incorporate the Worcester Railroad Company,
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and fifty-
three, with amendments.
An Act for the relief of the heirs and devisees of George
Baily, late of Baltimore city.
An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay John L.
Smith, late Tax Collector for Talbot county, for overpay-
ment into the Treasury, for the year 1867.
An Act to repeal section 174 of Article 4, Public Local
Laws, relating to the City of Baltimore, and re-enact the
same with amendments.
An Act to amend an Act passed at the General Assembly
of Maryland, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty, chapter
two hundred and seventy-six, entitled an Act to incorporate
the Maryland Mutual Life and Fire Insurance Company, by
changing the corporate name thereof.
An Act to repeal the first section of the Act of 1868, chap-
ter 50, relating to the County Commissioners of Wicomico
county, and re-enact the same with amendments.
An Act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to the bequest or devise of Henry A. Stinnecke,
late of Baltimore city, to the Bishop of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church, in Maryland.
An Act to authorize the Governor to appoint an additional
Justice of the Peace for election district No. 11, in Frederick
An Act to authorize and empower the Governor to appoint
an additional Justice of the Peace in the fifth election, dis-
trict of Baltimore county.
An A«t to amend the Act passed March. 9th, 1850, to in-
corporate the Potomac Steamboat Company, and to amend
the charter of the same as amended.
An Act to amend section 10, of Article 51, of theCode of
Public General Laws, entitled "Justices of the Peace,"