thorized and directed to subscribe in the name of
the State for two hundred and fifty (250) copies of
Cohen and Campbell's Digest of the Decisions of
Court of Appeals of the State of Maryland ; pro-
vided, that the price thereof shall not exceed ten
dollars ($10) per copy ; and provided further, that
any three Judges of the said Court of Appeals
shall certify, under their hands and seals, that in
their opinion the said Digest is a faithful digest of
said decisions, and deserves the patronage of the
State ; and the Librarian is further authorized and
directed to distribute the same number of copies of
said Digest, and in the same way, as the copies of
the Maryland Reports are now, by law, authorized
to be distributed, and the residue to sell or ex-
change for such other books as may be required
by the State Library ; provided, nevertheless, that
the said .Librarian shall retain thirty-five (35)
copies in said Library for the use thereof.
Librarian to
No. 5.
WHEREAS, The present accommodations at the
State Cattle Scales are inadequate to the proper
dispatch and requirements of the business now
being done, therefore
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Governor be, and he is hereby
authorized to appoint a committee consisting of
two competent persons whose duty it shall he to
examine the property, condition of scales, fenc-
ing, &c., &c., and report to the Go'vernor what
additional accommodations are needed at said
scales, together with the estimate of the cost of the
same, and upon the receipt of the said report the
Governor shall transmit the same to the General
Assembly, with such recommendations as in his
judgment the interest of the State demand.
Cattle Scales.