and that the said nine Directors of said company,
or a majority of them, shall have power to appoint
judges of all elections, and to elect from the said
Directors a President of said company, and to
allow him such compensation for his services as
they may deem proper; and if any vacancy shall
occur by death, resignation or refusal to act of any
President or Director, before the time for which he
was elected has expired, a person to fill such vacant
place for the residue of the term may he appointed
by the President and Directors of said company,
or a majority of them; and that the President and
Directors shall hold and exercise their office until
a new election, and that all elections which are by
this Act, or by the by-laws of the company, to be
made on a particular day, or at a particular time,
if not made on such day or at such time, may be
made at any time within sixty days thereafter; and
that when the capital stock subscribed shall amount
to six hundred thousand dollars, the number of
Hold over.
Directors shall be increased to eleven, and the two
additional Directors hereby provided shall be
elected at the time and place aforesaid by the stock-
holders of said company other than the Mayor,
Aldermen and Common Council of Frederick.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 4, 1870.
In force.
AN ACT directing the Comptroller of the Trea-
sury to cause to be paid to William Frizzle, a
sum of money erroneously paid into the Treasury
by the said William Frizzle.
WHEREAS, William Frizzle did, at the January
term, eighteen hundred and seventy, of the Cir-
cuit Court of Anne Arundel County, obtain judg-
ment against the Comptroller of the Treasury,
under the Act of Assembly of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, Chapter three hundred and two,
for the sum of one hundred and twenty-four dol-