AN ACT to amend the Act of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, Chapter two hundred and fifty-
three, entitled an Act to remove cases of guar-
dianship from Somerset and Worcester counties
to Wicomico county.
Amended and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Act of eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, Chapter two hundred and fifty-
three, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as
follows: Any guardian who may have entered as
such in the office of the Register of Wills of Somer-
set or Worcester county, and where such guardian
and his ward or wards both reside within the
limits of Wicornico county, and who may desire
to remove such guardianship to Wicomico county,
and wards
it shall only be necessary for such guardian to pay
all charges against him or her due to the Register
of Wills of the said county of Somerset or Worces-
ter, and on such payment and demand by such
guardian, it shall be the duty of such Register
of Wills to give such guardian a certified copy of
his bond, and a short statement of what appears
to be due from such guardian to such ward or
wards, the same to be filed and recorded within ten
days after the same shall have been obtained, in the
office of the Register of Wills of Wicomico county,
where for the future, all accounts relating to such
guardianship shall be passed and filed, and the
said guardian shall be liable in an action in said
county of Wicomico, and a copy of the record of
said bond in the office of the Register of Wills of
said county, shall be evidence in any Court of Law
or Equity in this State, as fully as if his original
bond had been entered therein.
Removal not
a bar.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That such
removal shall not be a bar to any action at Law or in
Equity which could have been brought in either
of the counties of Somerset or Worcester against
such guardian for any delinquency or cause what-
ever, or which may hereafter be brought on such
original bond.
Approved April 4, 1870.