and the City of Baltimore, in proportion to their
respective population, between the ages of five and
twenty years.
Sec. 6. On the fifteenth day of June, the first
day of October, the first day of January, and the
fifteenth day of March, in each year, the Comp-
troller shall apportion the amount of school tax
received by the Treasurer, among the several coun-
ties and the City of Baltimore, in proportion to
the whole amount apportioned to each by the
Comptroller; and he shall notify the Board of
State School Commissioners and the Treasurer of
each of the several Boards of County School Com-
missioners of the counties and the City of Balti-
more of the amount of tax due to each county and
the City of Baltimore on the several days aforesaid,
and the Treasurer shall pay the several amounts
within ten days after said notification, upon the
draft of the President and Secretary of the several
Boards of County School Commissioners aforesaid;
provided, also, that if in any county the schools
Notify to par-
ties who are
to receive.
shall be kept open leas than seven and half months
of the year ending December thirty-first, the Comp-
troller hold from such county, the April install-
ment of the State school tax.
Kept open.
Sec. 7. When the levy of any year shall have
been collected, the Comptroller shall apportion
among the several counties and the City of Balti-
more, the amount allowed on the levy for insolven-
cies and abatements, and shall transmit a state-
ment of the same to the Board of State School
and abate-
Section 1. The present Board of County School
Commissioners shall serve out the full term for
which they were severally elected, unless now or
hereafter disqualified under the provisions of this
Act, and shall continue to receive three dollars per
day, for each and every day they may deem it
necessary to meet, to attend to the wants of the
schools; provided, however, that the amount paid
Serve out full
to each Commissioner shall not exceed in the ag-
gregate sixty dollars per annum. The Judges of
the Circuit Courts in the respective counties are
empowered to fill any vacancies which exist or
Amount paid