the patrons of the colored schools, three persons
for each school, to act as a Board of District School
CHAPTER 19. — Sources of Income.
Section lt A State tax of ten cents on each one
hundred dollars of taxable property throughout
the State shall be levied annually for the support
of the Free Public Schools, and the Maryland State
Normal School, which tax shall be collected at the
same time and by the same agents as the general
State levy, and shall be paid into the Treasury of
How distribu-
the State, to be distributed by the Treasurer to
the Boards of School Commissioners of the city of
Baltimore and the several counties.
Treasurer to
pay proporti'n
Sec. 2. The Treasurer, on the warrant of the
Comptroller, shall pay as heretofore to each of the
counties and the City of Baltimore, the proportion
of the free school fund to which such city or county
is entitled under the provisions of the laws and re-
solutions existing at the time this Act is adopted,
and he shall pay the same to the Treasurer of the
Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore city,
and of the several counties. And the several Col-
leges and Academies shall respectively receive the
donations granted to them by any laws or resolu-
tions of the General Assembly, subject to the con-
ditions annexed thereto.
Held in trust.
Sec. 3. Real and personal estate, granted, con-
veyed, devised or bequeathed for the use of any
particular county or any school district, shall be
held in trust by the Board of County School Com-
missioners for the benefit of such county or school
district ; and such grants and bequests shall be
exempt from all State and county taxes.
Exempt from
Sec. 4. Moneys invested prior to the passage of
this Act, in trust for the benefit of the Public
Schools for any county or city, shall be exempt
from State, county or local tax.
levy, as to age
Sec. 5. As soon as the Comptroller shall have
received from the City of Baltimore and the several
counties, returns of the amount of State school tax
levied in each county and the City of Baltimore,
he shall immediately thereafter apportion the
amount of the whole levy to the several counties