guilty of charging or receiving any fee or reward,
directly or indirectly, for issuing any certificate to
a teacher, he shall be dismissed from office.
Not to charge
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the County Ex-
aminer or his assistant, at least three times in each
school year, to visit the schools in his or their
county, if it contains fifty schools or less, and
twice a year in counties having more than fifty
schools ;he shall observe the method of the teacher
and give him such practical suggestions as the cir-
cumstances may prompt; he shall, whenever pos-
Visit schools.
sible, attend public examinations, and report
quarterly in detail the result of his observations
to the Board of County School Commissioners.
Report quar-
Sec. 7. The Secretary and Treasurer of the Board
of County School Commissioners shall give bond
to the State of Maryland with at least two sureties,
to be approved by the said Board in such penal sum
as the said Board shall detetermine, with the con-
dition that he will faithfully perform the duties of
Secretary and Treasurer, pay over and apply all
moneys that shall come to his hands or care as
Treasurer, to such persons and in such manner as
the said Board may, under the provisions of this
Act, direct; and that he will keep a full account
of all moneys received and paid by him, and of all
matters relating to the duties of his office, and
preserve the same, and all vouchers relating there-
to, and deliver up all books and vouchers relating to
his office, to his successor, which said bond, when
executed, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Court for the county; he shall be present at
every meeting of the Board, and may debate any
question before them, but shall have no vote ; he
Render ac-
shall keep the minutes and conduct the correspon-
dence, and shall duly file away and safely keep all
letters, reports and other papers pertaining to the
business of the Board; he shall prepare and sub-
mit to the Board, for their adoption, the annual
report to the Board of State School Commissioners.
Keep minutes.
Sec. 8. The person or persons acting as Secre-
tary, Treasurer and Examiner, under the provisions
of this Act, shall devote their whole time to public
school business, and shall receive such compensa-
tion as the Board of County School Commissioners
may direct.
Secretary to
devote entire