Keep account.
Sec. 4. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall keep an account of the hooks and
stationery delivered to the several schools in their
respective districts, and file their receipts for the
CHAPTER 11. — County Examiner.
Sec. 1. It shall he the duty of the County
Examiner to examine candidates for the profession
of teaching in the presence of at least one member
of the Board of County School Commissioners, or
one or more of the District School Commissioners,
and to give to such persons as are found qualified,
under the sanction of the Board at its next meet-
ing, a certificate setting forth the branches such
persons are competent to teach, but no certificate
shall be granted without satisfactory evidence of
the moral character of the applicant.
Sec. 2. The certificates issued by each County
Examiner shall be numbered and registered in a
book kept by the Board of County School Commis-
sioners, and be delivered to their successors in
office, and shall be denominated first or second
grade, as the case may be, and the Board of State
School Commissioners shall keep a book in the
same manner as the County Examiners. Certifi-
cates of the first grade shall embrace orthography,
reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history,
Classes of
English grammar, book-keeping, algebra and nat-
ural philosophy, and the second grade shall
embrace orthography, reading, writing, arithme-
tic, geography, history and English grammar.
Age of
Sep. 3. No certificate of qualification as a teacher
shall be issued to any male under nineteen years
of age or to a female under seventeen years of age.
Sec. 4. No certificate shall continue in force
longer than three years, except as herein provided
Sec. 5. The County Examiner shall hold regular
examination of teachers at each quarterly meeting,
and at such other times as the Board may direct,
of which due notice shall he given in the news-
papers or otherwise. No Examiner shall be allowed
to charge any fees for the issuing of certificates to
teachers, and if any Examiner shall be found