which they may be able to pursue; provided, that
whenever there are graded schools the teachers
and Board of District School Commissioners shall
determine to which school pupils shall be admitted.
Sec. 2. The Board of District School Commis-
sioners shall have power to suspend and expel
pupils for cause; provided, that an appeal shall
lie to the Board of County School Commissioners,
whose decision shall be final.
May suspend
or expel.
Sec. 3. Children living remote from the school
of the district in which they reside, may attend
school in an adjoining district, with the consent of
the Boards of the respective school districts.
Living re-
Sec. 4. Every child, before it is admitted to any
Public School, shall produce a certificate from a
regular physician that it has been properly vacci-
CHAPTER 10. — Text Books.
Section 1. School books shall contain nothing
of a sectarian or partisan character.
Sec. 2. Each Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall adopt and purchase the text books
for their respective counties, but no change shall
Sectarian or
be made in the text books at present in use or
hereafter introduced without having examined
such as may be recommended by the Board of
State School Commissioners, whose duty is hereby
made to present a list of books to the several
Boards of County School Commissioners, with
their written reasons for such recommendation.
Tex t books
not to be chan-
Sec. 3. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall authorize the delivery of books and
stationery to the various schools in the county,
under such rules and regulations as they may
adopt. No pupil shall be required to pay more
than one dollar quarterly for use of said books
and stationery, but any pupil, on account of pecu-
niary inability, may be exempted from payment
by the Board of District School Commissioners:
provided, nevertheless, that parents or pupils may
purchase their own books whenever they may think
Books and