Sec. 2. Teachers shall be appointed by the Board
of District School Commissioners, and may be re-
moved at any time said Board may think proper,
after thirty days notice.
Make returns
or no salary.
Sec. 3. Teachers shall enter into registers pre-
pared for that purpose, an accurate account of the
attendance of pupils, of text books used, and branch-
es taught, and such other statistics as may be re-
quired, and make due return thereof to the Board
of County School Commissioners, at the end of
each term, and no teacher shall be entitled to re-
ceive payment for services until the register prop-
erly filled up and completed, be so returned; their
reports shall be filed by the said Board for the
purpose of making the annual returns to the Board
of State School Commissioners.
Sec. 4. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall examine any charge preferred against
the moral character of any teacher within their
county. They shall give the teacher reasonable
notice of the charge in writing, and an opportunity
to defend himself; and if the charge he sustained
they shall annul the teacher's certificate, and shall
give notice thereof to the Board of State School
Commissioners; provided, that an appeal shall lie
to the Board of State School Commissioners, whose
decision shall be final.
Certificate or
Sec. 5. Any person holding a first grade teach-
er's certificate, or the diploma of a respectable
college, or of a State Normal School, who has
been a teacher for seven years, of which five shall
have been spent in the State of Maryland, may
apply to the Board of State School Commissioners
for a life certificate, which, if granted, shall ex-
empt him from any further examinations. Said
certificate may be annulled by said Board at any
time on account of immoral or unprofessional con-
Sec. 6. The salaries of teachers of each county
shall be fixed by the Board of County School Com-
CHAPTER 9. — Pupils.
Pupils — who
Section 1. All white youth between the ages of
six and twenty-one years shall be admitted into
the Public Schools of the State, the studies of