Make annual
Sec. 10. All schools and colleges receiving any
State donation shall make a report on or before
the fifteenth day of November in each year, of
such matters and in such form as the Board of
State School Commissioners shall require, and said
reports, or an abstract therefrom, shall be pub-
lished by the President of the Board in his annual
school report.
CHAPTER 4. — Duties of the County School Commis-
Section 1. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall meet for organization on the first
Tuesday in January next succeeding their appoint-
ment, or as soon thereafter as may he, and elect a
person not a member of the Board, who shall
serve as Secretary, Treasurer and Examiner, and
notice of such election, signed by the President of
the Board, shall he transmitted to the Comptroller:
Provided, that in counties having more than
eighty-five schools, the Board may, at their dis-
cretion, appoint an Assistant Examiner and fix
his salary. The Board shall meet once in every
school term, and at other times if necessary for
the transaction of business. Each Commissioner
shall receive per day, for each day of his attendance
at the Board, or on committees appointed by the
Board, such pay as is allowed the County Com-
missioners in the several counties in the State:
Provided, that the aggregate amount paid in one
year to Commissioners as per diem, or any other
compensation, shall not exceed an average of one
hundred dollars for each Commissioner.
Name and
Sec. 2. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners is hereby declared to [to] be a body politic
and corporate, by the name and style of the Board
of County School Commissioners of ......... county,
and by that name shall have perpetual succession,
and shall be capable to sue and be sued, to have
and use a common seal, and the same at their
pleasure to alter or break, and to exercise all the
powers and privileges hereby granted to or vested
in them.
Sec. 3. All the property, estate, effects, money,
funds, claims and State donations now vested by
law in the public school authorities of any county,