Sec. 3. The members of the Board shall receive
no salary, but actual expenses incurred in attend-
ing meetings of the Board, and they are author-
ized to employ clerical assistance when necessary;
the Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptrol-
No salary.
ler, is hereby authorized to pay to the President
of the Board such amount, not exceeding one
thousand dollars per annum, as he shall show to
be due for these necessary expenses.
Pay President
and clerk.
Sec. 4. The Board of State School Commissioners
shall, to the best of their ability, cause the provi-
sions of this law to be carried into effect, and may,
if necessary, institute legal proceedings for that
purpose, with the direction and advice of the At-
Duty of
torney General; they shall explain the true intent
and meaning of the law, and they shall decide
without expense to the parties concerned, all con-
troversies and disputes that may arise under it.
Sec. 5. They shall have the general care and
supervision of the Public School interests of the
State; shall act as the assistants and advisers of
the various County Boards, and shall, from time
to time, issue circular letters to teachers and com-
missioners on topics connected with the adminis-
tration of the Public Schools.
Have general
Sec. 6. In order to insure uniformity in the sta-
tistical reports of the Public Schools, they shall
issue a uniform series of blanks for the use of
teachers and of County Boards, and shall require
all accounts to be kept and returns to be made ac-
cording to these forms.
Sec. 7. They shall, when requested by the Board
of County School Commissioners, examine candi-
dates for the office of County Examiner, and give
a certificate of qualification.
Examine can-
Sec. 8. They may grant to teachers of long
experience and established reputation professional
certificates, which shall be valid until revoked tor
Grant certifi-
Sec. 9. The Board of State School Commis-
sioners shall be ex officio Trustees of the State
Normal School, and the Principal of the State
Normal School shall be ex officio a Trustee of the
State Agricultural College.
Ez officio