for the use and benefit of public, primary, free or
high schools, are hereby transferred to and vested
in the Board of County School Commissioners and
their successors in office.
how vested.
Sec. 4. The Board of County School Commis-
sioners shall have the general supervision and
control of all schools in their respective counties;
they shall build, repair and furnish the school
houses; they shall fix and pay the salaries of
teachers; they shall purchase and distribute text
books, and shall perform such other duties as may
be necessary to secure an efficient administration
of the public school system, subject to the provi-
sions of this law.
General super-
Sec. 5. The State school tax and free school
fund are primarily intended under this Act, to pay
the salaries of the teachers of the several counties.
and to provide school books and stationery for the
children of the State ;if, Viowever, in apportion-
ing the said State school tax among the different
counties and the city of Baltimore, the share of
any county should prove inadequate for the pur-
poses aforesaid, then the County Commissioners of
such county are hereby authorized, empowered,
directed and required to levy and collect such a
tax upon the assessable property of such county,
as the Board of County School Commissioners shall
designate as sufficient, to make good the defici-
ency;provided, said tax shall not exceed ten cents
in the hundred dollars, unless the County Com-
missioners shall approve and sanction an ad-
Salaries and
school books.
ditional tax ; the taxes so levied and collected
shall be paid quarterly on the day fixed for the
payment of the State school tax to the several
counties, but the proceeds from special taxes may
be paid oftener, upon the order of the Board of
County School Commissioners to the Treasurer of
the said Board of County School Commissioners,
in order that the schools of such counties may be
kept open for the time herein set forth, and said
tax shall be levied and collected as other taxes;
any sums of money which may have been specially
collected or levied on any election or school house
district for educational purposes connected with
those districts, shall be collected for and applied
to the purposes so intended originally, and shall
Levy tax.