Width of road
the public may require, and any person feeling
aggrieved at their action, shall have the right of
appeal as herein provided. When any new road
is located, old road altered or any road surveyed,
paid roads shall be not less than thirty feet in
width, and it shall be the duty of the Supervisors
to provide suitable bounding stones, and have
them securely planted at such points as they may
deem necessary. The Supervisors shall receive for
their services two dollars and fifty cents for each
day engaged in any of the duties of their office,
which shall be paid out of the special road fund of
their respective districts, and they are hereby
authorized to incur any expense necessary for the
proper work on the roads or the duties of their
Must be en-
dorsed before
office;provided however, that no account shall be
paid, unless endorsed by the Chairman, and at
least one of the other Supervisors, and approved
by the County Commissioners. The building and
repairs of all bridges in Baltimore county shall be
under the control of the County Commissioners,
and whenever twenty or more taxable inhabitants
of Baltimore county shall desire the building or
rebuilding of any bridge, they may make applica-
tion to the County Commissioners, and the County
Commissioners shall issue an order directing three
Supervisors who shall be Chairman of their respec-
tive districts, to meet on the premises named in
said application at a stated time and examine and
determine if the public convenience requires said
bridge and the probable cost thereof, and they
shall report their opinion in writing to the County
Commissioners, and if the County Commissioners
shall be of opinion that such application ought to
be granted, they shall advertise in one or more
Build bridge
newspapers published in Baltimore county, setting
forth the place where said bridge is to be built,
Advertise for
with full specifications of the plan and materials,
and that sealed proposals for building said bridge
will be received until a day named in said adver-
tisement. On the day named in said advertise-
ment, the proposals shall be opened and the con-
tract awarded to the lowest responsible bidder,
who in the opinion of the County Commissioners,
shall be qualified to build said bridge, and the
contractor shall give bond in double the amount
of the contract for the faithful performance of said