contract. And when such bridge shall be com-
pleted to the satisfaction of the County Commis-
sioners, they shall pay to the contractor the last
installment due thereon, and shall accept the
bridge for the use of the public.
Not to pay
until finished.
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the road Super-
visors of the several road districts are hereby direct-
ed, to put up and maintain suitable guide posts
and finger boards at cross roads, and where roads
enter and diverge from each other, designating the
most prominent places, and the distances to where
Guide posts.
such roads lead to. Any person defacing such
posts and finger boards shall pay a fine of not less
than two, nor more than five dollars for each
offence, said fine to be imposed by any Justice of
the Peace, for the use and in the name of the
County Commissioners of Baltimore county.
Injuring —
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That all acts and
parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, relating to roads and bridges, in Balti-
more county, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sec, 19. And be it enacted, That nothing con-
tained in the provisions of this Act shall be con-
strued to impair or annul any of the rights,
privileges and authority given to and granted in
the enabling Act to legalize and make valid the
acts of the Boards of Road Supervisors for Balti-
more County, acting under the road law of eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-eight,excepting so far as the
enabling Act referred to authorizes the Act of
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight to continue in
force in the first election district of Baltimore
Not to annul.
County until the first day of March, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-two, Chapter four hundred and
eleven, passed and approved March thirtieth, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-eight; the said enabling
Act passed at the January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy, is nereby declared to be for the
purpose of enabling the said Road Supervisors
named therein to close up, collect, adjust and
settle all debts incurred by them.
Enabling act.
Sec. 20. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall not
expend any of the moneys levied for road and
bridge purposes under this Act in the first election
Not to expend