office, proceed to divide their respective districts
into three sub-districts as nearly equal in extent
of roads as practicable, and assign to each Super-
visor the sub-district over which he shall have
special supervision, and they shall meet as a Board
for the transaction of business at such time and
place as they may determine and when called by
the chairman.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That they are hereby
authorized and directed to take charge of all the
roads and bridges in their respective districts and
shall see that no obstruction, hindrance or injury
is permitted upon any road and bridge under their
supervision, and when any road or bridge shall
Assign to
form the boundary between districts, the County
Commissioners shall assign to each district its por-
tion of said road or bridge.
New road
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the opening,
construction and repair of new roads, the closing
and changing the location, and repair of all roads,
shall be within the control of the Board of Super-
visors of that district in which they are situated,
subject to approval of the County Commissioners.
Annual levy.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County shall annu-
ally levy upon the assessable property of Balti-
more County, at the time of making the county
levy, a sum of money not less than ten nor more
than fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars, for
the use of public roads and bridges in Baltimore
County, which shall be collected as other county
taxes are collected.
Special fund.
Sec. 12. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioners shall set apart two-thirds of the
tax so collected as a "Special Road and Bridge
Fund," which shall be for the use and benefit of
that district from which it has been collected, and
all orders for the payment of money shall be signed
by the chairman and at least one other of the su-
pervisors of that district. The County Commis-
Set apart.
sioners shall set apart the remaining one-third of
the tax so collected, as the "General Road and
Bridge Fund," which shall be applied by the
Commissioners to the general use and benefit of
the bridges and roads of Baltimore County, and
for no other purposes.