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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3015   View pdf image (33K)
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May withdraw

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That any member of
the said Company shall have full power to with-
draw therefrom at any time, by applying to the
proper officer thereof and paying such fees as may
reasonably be demanded on any arrearages of as-
sessments that he may then owe the Company,
when the said proper officer shall cancel such insu-
rance or insurances, as may be in the name of the
person so withdrawing and make a record thereof
in the hooks of the Company which shall release
such member; and any real estate that he may
have insured from all liability for or on account of
any notes, due-bills or evidences of debt to the said
Company held by it for premiums on such real

Release from

estate, the insurance on which shall thus be can-
celled, and shall debar him or her from any claim
on this corporation for any loss or damage by fire
subsequent to the time of such withdrawal and can-
selling such insurance.

Evidences of
debt a lien.

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That all promissory
notes of hand, or other evidences of debt held by
the said Company, which shall have been given
thereto for premiums for insurance or for any part
or parts of said premiums, shall constitute and be
deemed a lien on any real estate which may be
insured in consideration or part consideration of
such notes or evidences of debt, which real estate
shall he held liable for the full and just payment
of such notes or other evidences of debt, either
wholly or in part, at such time or times as the
President and Directors shall demand, and of all
legal charges that may be incurred in enforcing
payment thereof; in case of refusal or neglect to
pay by the drawers of such notes or evidences of
debt, any sale, mortgage or transfer of such real
estate, subsequent to the date of such notes or
evidences of debt and during the time they are in

Cannot invali-

existence, shall not invalidate or prejudice the lien
created thereon by the making and delivery of
such notes or evidences of debt, and such real
estate shall only be relieved from such liability or
lien thereon on the full payment of such notes or
evidences of debt, or such part thereof as may be
demanded by the President and Directors of the
company; and the cancelling of the insurance or
insurances for which they were given as premiums,



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3015   View pdf image (33K)
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