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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3016   View pdf image (33K)
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under such regulations as the President and Direc-
tors may establish, and in case of refusal or neglect
to pay such notes or evidences of debt, either
wholly or in part, whenever and as often as may
be demanded by the President and Directors of the
company, the said President and Directors may
proceed to collect the same or any part thereof, in
the same manner as in the foreclosure of a mort-
gage on real estate, the said notes or evidences of
debt to be held and deemed as a mortgage on such
real estate.


Sep.. 6. And be it enacted, That M. Bannon, E.
G. Kilborn, Owen Cecil, Doctor E. J. Henkle,
Doctor Thomas W. Hammond, James A. Bruce,
William B. Dorsey, Hammond Dorsey, A. P.
Gorman and John R. Brown are hereby created
Directors of the said Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany in Anne Arundel and Howard Counties until
their successors shall be elected, as hereinafter
provided for, and such of them as shall be present
at the first meeting shall proceed to organize the
company by electing a President and Secretary
thereof, and as soon thereafter as practicable adopt
a form of constitution and by-laws, to provide the
necessary books and otherwise prepare the company


for the transaction of business, and when so pre-
pared to exercise a general superintendence of the
affairs of the Company, and the Board of Directors
above named and any other Board of Directors
that may be hereafter elected, as hereafter provided
for, shall have authority to allow any officer or



officers in the employ of the company such salaries,
fees or compensation as they may deem proper,
and all officers of the company other than Direc-
tors shall be appointed annually by such Directors
as shall be present at the first meeting of the
Board after the annual election of Directors, and
in case of any vacancy or vacancies occurring in
the Board of Directors, at any time or times, from
any cause whatever, such vacancies or vacancy
shall be filled by the remainder of the Board until
the time of holding the next annual election.

Officers and

Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the President or Secretary of the said Com-
pany, annually, to give notice of at least two
weeks, by advertisement in some newspaper pub-

Notice of elec-
tion of Direc-



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 3016   View pdf image (33K)
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