AN ACT to repeal Sections seven, seventeen and
eighteen of Article fifty-five of the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws, entitled "State Librarian,"
and re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Sections seven, seventeen and
eighteen of Article fifty-five of the Code of Public
General Laws, entitled "State Librarian," be and
the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted to
read as follows :
Repealed and
Sec. 7. The remaining copies of the laws, jour-
nals and documents shall he subject to the dispo-
sition of the committee appointed by the seven-
teenth Section.
Committee to
dispose of.
Sec. 17. The Honorable George Brent, Associate
Judge of the Court of Appeals, J. Shaff Stockett,
State Reporter, and Arthur W. Machen, of Balti-
more City, be and they are hereby appointed a
Committee, to serve without compensation, with
full power and authority to examine into the con-
dition of the State Library, and to select some
competent person to prepare, under their direction
Names of
and supervision, a catalogue of the books, maps,
&c., belonging to said Library, and to have two
hundred copies of the same printed; and the per-
son selected to prepare such catalogue shall also
prepare a list of such books as may be properly
removed from the library room and stored else-
where in some safe and convenient place, and also
such others as in his judgment may be advan-
tageously disposed of by sale or otherwise, which
disposition the Committee is hereby authorized to
Prepare cata-
make as may be deemed by them most expedient;
should such books, however, be sold, the proceeds
arising therefrom shall be expended in the pur-
chase of other books, to be selected by the Com-
mittee, for the increase of the Library, and the
Committee shall purchase, from time to time, such
books and maps for the augmentation of the Li-
brary as in their judgment may be deemed advisa-
ble, and they shall have the library-room refur-
nished and refitted; and the sum of three thousand
Proceeds of