during the year; Third, The amount of expenses
paid during the year, including commissions and
fees to agents and officers of the company or asso-
ciation; Fourth, The amount paid in taxes; Fifth,
The amounts of all other payments and expendi-
tures. The statement of any company or associa-
tion, the capital of which is composed in whole or
in part of notes, shall in addition to the foregoing,
exhibit the amount of notes originally forming the
capital, and also what proportion of said notes is
held by such company or association and consid-
ered capital. Every insurance company or associ-
ation organized under the laws of this State failing
to make and deposit such statement or to reply to
any inquiry of the Comptroller of the Treasury
relating to the condition of such company, or to
submit its books and papers when demanded to
the inspection and examination of the Comptroller,
shall be subject to the penalty of five hundred dollars
for every month that such company shall continue
thereafter to transact any business of insurance.
It shall be the duty of the Comptroller of the Trea-
sury to cause to be prepared and furnished to each
of the companies and to the attorneys of companies
incorporated by other States and foreign govern-
Comptroller to
furnish prin-
ted forms.
ments, printed forms of the statements required by
this Act, and he may from time to time make such
changes in the form of such statements as shall
seem to him best adapted to elicit from the compa-
nies a true exhibit of their condition in respect to
the several points hereinbefore enumerated.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That every company
as aforesaid shall cause the statement rendered by
it to the Comptroller to be published on the first
Monday in the month of March in the same year,
daily for one week, in one or more newspapers of
the place where said company is located; and if
any Company, as aforesaid, shall fail to make the
required return of its condition within the time
herein designated, or to make the publication
thereof within the month of March aforesaid, the
said company shall be liable to a penalty of fifty
dollars for each omission for every day thereafter
Penalty for
until the return shall have been rendered or the
publication made as required; said penalty to be
payable into the Treasury of the State, and recov-
erable in like manner as other fines and penalties.