than one year's interest due or owing; fifth, the
amount of loans on which interest shall not have
been paid within one year previous to such state-
ment ; sixth, the amount due the company, on
which judgments have been obtained; seventh, the
amount of stocks of this State, of the United States,
of any incorporated city of this State, and of any
other stocks owned by the company, specifying the
amount, number of shares, and par and market
value of each kind of stock ;eighth, the amount
of stocks held thereby as collateral security for
loans, with the amount loaned on each kind of
stock, its par value, and the market value ;ninth,
the amount of assessments on stock or premium
notes, paid and unpaid ; tenth, the amount of in-
terest actually due and unpaid; eleventh, the
amount of premium notes on hand on which pol-
icies are issued.
Third — The liabilities of such company, specify-
ing, first, the amount of losses due and yet un-
paid; second, the amount of claims for losses re-
sisted by the company; third, the amount of losses
incurred during the year, including those claimed
and not yet due, and of those reported to the com-
pany upon which no action has been taken; fourth,
the amount of dividends declared and due and re-
maining unpaid; fifth, the amount of dividends,
either cash or scrip, declared, but not yet due;
sixth, the amount of money borrowed and security
for the payment thereof; seventh, the amount of
policies outstanding; eighth, the amount of all
other existing claims against the company or asso-
What to re-
port as liabili-
Fourth — The income of the company or associa-
tion during the preceding year, specifying, first,
the amount of cash premiums received; second,
the amount of notes received for premiums; third,
the amount of interest money received; fourth, the
amount of income received from other sources.
What to re-
port as income
Fifth. — The expenditures during the preceding
year, specifying — First, The amount of losses paid
during the year, stating how much of the same
accrued prior and how much subsequent to the date
of the preceding statement, and the amount at
which such losses were estimated in such preceding
statement; Second, The amount of dividends paid
What to re-
port as expen-