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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2988   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to authorize James S. Morsell, Jr., of
Calvert County. Mason L. Weems, George F.
Needham, of Baltimore City, and William B.
Hill, of Prince George's County, to construct a
pier at No. 3 Tobacco Warehouse Wharf, in the
City of Baltimore.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That James S. Morsell, Jr., of Cal-
vert County, Mason L. Weems, George F. Need-
ham, of Baltimore City, and William B. Hill, of
Prince George's County, be and are hereby granted


the use, privilege and right of the State Tobacco
Wharf at No. 3 Tobacco Warehouse, in Baltimore
City, free of charge, for the term of ten years from
the date of the passage of this Act, for the pur-
pose of building a pier to be used for landing
tobacco and other country produce, other than
cord wood, brought to the City of Baltimore by
the Patuxent line of steamers owned by the afore-
said Mason L. Weems: Provided, That but one
steamer of said line shall lay at the pier at the
same time.

Pier for steam-

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That thirty feet of
the aforesaid wharf, and eighty feet of said pier
on the south side of the said pier, and one-half the
length of the same, shall be set aside and left
exclusively for the use of sail boats bringing
tobacco to the State Warehouse, and other country
produce, other than cord wood, on which said pro-
duce or other articles the State Wharfinger shall

A portion set

collect wharfage according to the rate of charges
established by the laws of the State, the same to
be governed and regulated as the entire wharf is
now regulated by the laws of Maryland, and
nothing herein contained shall prevent sail vessels
from landing tobacco and other country produce,
other than cord wood, upon any part of said pier
set apart for the use of vessels carrying tobacco, in
the absence of said steamers: Provided, said sail

Regulation of

boats shall not interfere with the free ingress and
egress of said steamers to and from her side of the
pier, and, further, it shall be the duty of the State
Wharfinger to enforce the provisions of this section.

Sail boats not
to interfere.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2988   View pdf image (33K)
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