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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2987   View pdf image (33K)
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of eighteen hundred and seventy; to the heirs at
law of Ambrose M. Payne, assignee of Seth M.
Whaley, late collector for Worcester County, for
money overpaid, as per certificate of the Comp-
troller and Treasurer, three hundred and ninety-
seven dollars and sixty-one cents; to Thomas E.
Dell, five hundred dollars for balance due for
binding the Laws, Journals, and Documents, of
January session of eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight; to Thomas Terry, thirty-seven dollars and
fifty-one cents, for money overpaid into the trea-
sury as late collector of State taxes for Cecil
County, as per certificate of the Comptroller and
Treasurer; to C. A. S. Wolf, fifteen dollars, for
repairs per order of Secretary of the Senate; to
James S. Franklin, clerk of the Court of Appeals,
six hundred and sixty-four dollars and forty-three
cents, for fees due him by the State; to S. Jackson
& Co., for stationery furnished the General As-
sembly of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, sev-
enty-two dollars; to James Hopkins, one hundred
and eleven dollars and twenty-six cents, for mate-
rials and work done to State House by order, of the
Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the
House of Delegates; to Samuel Stewart, seventeen
dollars, for repairs to the committee rooms by
order of the Secretary of the Senate; to Owen Dis-
ney, late collector State taxes for Anne Arundel
County, fifty-nine dollars and seventy-four cents,
as per the certificate of the Comptroller and Trea-
surer; to Jesse Harden, two hundred and sixty-
six dollars and fourteen cents, for materials and
repairs to eastern hay scales; to James E. Tate,
one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and twenty-
seven cents, for sundries furnished the House by
order of the Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates;
to Gushing and Medairy, nine hundred and ninety
dollars and fifty cents, for stationery furnished the
State Librarian, for use of the General Assembly
of eighteen hundred and seventy.

In force.

Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from its passage.

Approved April 4, 1870.



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2987   View pdf image (33K)
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