mission to keep a billiard table, for which license
there shall be paid the sum of fifty dollars, and
that for every additional billiard table kept by the
same person or persons, he, she or they shall pay
License bil-
liard tables.
a license of twenty-five dollars;provided, that all
said additional tables shall be kept in the same
apartment; provided, that this Act shall [shall]
not apply to any billiard table kept for private use.
Approved April 7, 1870.
Not to apply
to private ta-
AN ACT to repeal Section one hundred and eight,
of Chapter one hundred and sixty-one, of the
Acts of General Assembly of eighteen hundred
and sixty-five, entitled "An Act to repeal Sec-
tion one hundred and eight of Article seventeen,
of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled Queen
Anne County," and to enact in lieu thereof the
following relating to public roads and gates, and
amend the same so as to read as follows :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Section one hundred and eight,
of Chapter one hundred and sixty-one, of the Acts
of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, entitled "An
Act to repeal Section one hundred and eight, of
Article seventeen, of the Code of Public Local
Laws, entitled Queen Anne County, and enact in
lieu thereof the following, relating to public roads
and gates, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Sec. 108. And be it enacted, That on and after
the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-one, no person shall erect any gate on any
public road in Queen Anne County, and any per-
son having a gate on any one of said public roads,
shall remove it therefrom before said first day of
April, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and any
person offending against either of the preceding
provisions of this section shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and on conviction thereof be liable to a
Not to erect
any gate af-
ter April 1st