AN ACT to amend An Act entitled An Act to
Incorporate Companies to make several Turn-
pike Roads through Baltimore County, and to
authorize the laying down and equipment of a
Railway on the Baltimore and Reistertown
Turnpike Road, between Baltimore City and
Pikesville, and the collection of tolls thereon.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the President, Managers and
Company of the Baltimore and Reistertown Turn-
pike Road he and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to lay a track of passenger iron rail-
way on their said road, with the necessary turn-outs,
sidings and other accessories, between the limits
of Baltimore City and Pikesville, and also to pro-
cure the necessary cars and other equipments for
the advantageous use of said Railway, and to hold
and employ the said Railway and appurtenances
as part of the assets and property of the said
Empowered to
lay passenger
Company; provided the Railway be so constructed
and used as not to endanger or injuriously inter-
fere with the ordinary use of and travel upon the
said turnpike road.
Not to injure
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the said Com-
pany shall avail itself of the privileges and pow-
ers conferred in the first Section, then the Capital
Stock may be increased by the issue and sale of an
additional number of shares as may be required
to construct and equip said Railway; or may bor-
row, on the credit of the Company, a sufficient
sum of money for such purpose; or make a con-
tract or contracts with other parties to construct
and equip said Railway.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That on the comple-
tion of the said Railway or any section thereof, it
shall and may be lawful for the said Company to
demand and receive for tolls and transportation of
all goods, produce, merchandise, or property of
any kind whatsoever, at the rate of not exceeding
ten cents a ton per mile, and for the transporta-
tion of passengers not exceeding five cents per mile
or fraction thereof for each passenger.
Receive tolls.