districts of said county, where they will be pro-
tected from the weather, and one at the court house
door of said county, and not less than five of said
lists and notices in each of said election districts,
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all laws and
parts of laws inconsistent with this Act be and the
same are hereby repealed.
Approved April 7, 18/0.
AN ACT to Incorporate the Bachman Valley Rail-
road Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a Corporation be and the same
is hereby created and chartered by the name of
Bachman Valley Railroad Company, for the pur-
pose of constructing, maintaining and working a
Railroad from the ore banks of the Chesnut Hill
Iron Ore Company, in Carroll County, to a point
on the Maryland and Pennsylvania line, situate
within the limits of Manchester District of said
Carroll County.
Capital stock.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Capital
Stock of said Corporation shall not be less than
twenty-five thousand dollars, or tnore than one
hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares
of fifty dollars each.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That Charles J.
Nourse, Abner W. Eichelberger, Ephraim Tracy,
Buckner M. Randolph, Abraham Greider, Frank
Tragesser, Cornelius Wentz, James Rhoads, Adam
Boucher and William Tracy, are hereby appointed
Commissioners to open books and receive subscrip-
tions for said Capital Stock, at such time and times
and place or places as they shall deem proper, and
a majority of them shall have power to act; they
Fill vacancies.
may fill all vacancies occurring in their own body
by death, resignation or otherwise; they may ap-
point persons to superintend the receiving of sub-