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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2966   View pdf image (33K)
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scriptions and to receive money payable thereon;

may call a meeting of the subscribers at such time
and place and with such notice as they shall deem


proper, after the minimum amount of capital
aforesaid shall be subscribed, and may do all such
other lawful acts as shall be proper to constitute
and organize said Corporation until the first Board
of Directors, hereinafter provided for, shall be
duly elected, including the power in person, or
through persons appointed by them, to superin-
tend, conduct, scrutinize and certify to that elec-

Minimum cap-

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said Corpora-
tion shall have all the powers, qualities, faculties,
rights and privileges which lawfully belong to
Corporations generally, including perpetual suc-
cession, the right to have and use a common seal,
and to change the same at pleasure; the power to
purchase, receive, acquire, hold, sell, lease, dis-
pose of and manage estates, real, personal or
mixed; the right to sue and be sued, and to trans-
act its business in the said corporate name; the
power to appoint officers, agents, engineers and
servants, and to make contracts, and the power to
make all by-laws, rules and regulations which


may be deemed expedient and not contrary to law,
but not including any banking privileges.

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That at the meeting
of subscribers to be called as aforesaid, or at any
meeting held by adjournment thereof from time

Not to issue.

to time, there shall be an election of Directors,
and from the time of such election the said Cor-
poration shall be deemed to be completely orga-
nized and constituted, with all the faculties, rights
and privileges hereby granted.

Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That there shall not
be less than hve or more than twelve Directors of
said corporation, who shall be a Board to transact
and manage all the affairs of the corporation and
exercise all its powers, subject to the control of the
stockholders in general meetings; a majority of

Elect Direct'rs

the Board shall form a quorum; they may fill
vacancies occurring in their own body; they shall
be elected annually by the stockholders in general
meeting, and shall hold their offices for one year,
and until their successors shall be elected; they




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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1870
Volume 188, Page 2966   View pdf image (33K)
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