Certify under
this Act, so far as they are therein charged against
the County aforesaid, and shall certify the same,
under oath, if so required by the Commissioners
aforesaid, and he shall furnish said statement, so
made, to the said Commissioners, at least ten days
before the day upon which they shall determine
and order the annual levy for the County, and that
it thereupon shall be the duty of the said Com-
Annual levy.
missioners to place on the said levy, for the use and
benefit of the said Register, such an amount of
monies as he shall be entitled to, according to his
statement so furnished as aforesaid.
In force.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
Approved February 2, 1870.
AN ACT to repeal and to re-enact Section 959 of
Article four of the Code Public Local Laws to
the city of Baltimore, subtitle "Parks."
SECTION 1 . And be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Section 959, of Article four,
Code of Public Local Laws, entitled City of Balti-
more, subtitle "Parks," be and the same is hereby
repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
to condemn.
Sec. 959. And be it enacted, That the said Park
Commissioners are authorized to enlarge the streets
and avenues around and leading to said Park ;
and in the event of failing to agree with the owner
of any property required for that purpose, or any
interest therein for the purchase thereof, or if the
owners be a feme-covert, under age, or non compos
mentis, or be residing out of the County at the
time, the said Commissioners are hereby author-
ized to condemn the same in the manner specified
in the foregoing Section ; the oath to each Juror
being that he will fully and impartially value the
damages, which the owner will sustain, by the
enlarging of the particular street or avenue, as the
case may be.