AN ACT to authorize the Register of Wills for
Howard County to examine, perfect, and index
certain Records in his office, and to authorize
and provide compensation for services so ren-
dered :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Register of Wills for How-
ard County be and he is hereby authorized and
empowered to examine the following unexamined
Records, and to compare the same with the origi-
nals now on file in his office, to wit: the Records
of Wills, Records of Bonds of Administrators and
Guardians, and Records of Releases and Inden-
tures, and that for the rendition of such said ser-
vice, he shall be allowed by the Commissioners of
said County the sum of ten dollars for each day he
Examine un-
examined re-
may he so engaged, not to exceed ninety days, in
which said sum is intended to be included the per
diem to be paid by said Register to such assistant
as he may require and employ.
Per diem.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the said Register
be and he is hereby further authorized and em-
powered to prepare and make a general index of
all Wills, Bonds, Guardians Accounts, Adminis-
trators Accounts, Inventories, Accounts of Sales,
and Releases, now on file in his office, for which
said service he shall he allowed and paid by the
said Commissioners of said County, at the same
Make general
rate as is charged by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for said County for similar services, and that
from and alter the passage of this Act, the Register
of the said County shall be entitled to have and
receive from any person or persons depositing in
his office for record, any Will, Bond, Guardian
Account, Administrator's Account, Inventory, Ac-
count of Sale or Release, the same amount as is
now charged by the Clerk of the County, for the
special purpose of keeping up and continuing the
said General Index.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the Register of
Wills aforesaid, shall make out, from time to time,
as may be necessary, a true and correct statement
of the services rendered under and by authority of
Make out