AN ACT to authorize the County Commissioners
of Frederick County to subscribe to the Stock of
Turnpike Companies in said County :
Turnpike Co.
Capital stock.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That whenever three-fifths of the
Capital Stock of any Turnpike Company in Fred-
erick County, chartered and organized since the
first day of January, A. D. 1868, or to be here-
after organized, shall have been subscribed for and
ers authorized
to subscribe.
taken by responsible, bona fide stockholders, the
County Commissioners of said County are hereby
authorized and empowered to subscribe for such
portion of the remaining two-fifths of the said
Capital Stock as they in their discretion may deem
proper, in the name and for the benefit of said
County, and shall be entitled to be represented at
all meetings of the stockholders of said Company,
by the County Commissioners for the time being, or
by such person or persons as may be duly author-
ized by them; provided, said road or roads so sub-
Width of
scribed to shall be graded for a width of twenty
feet, fourteen of which shall be covered with stone,
of an average depth of nine inches ; provided, also,
that in accordance with the provisions of Article
To be pub-
3. Section 54, of the Constitution, this Act shall
be published in the newspapers printed in said
County for two months before the next election for
members of the House of Delegates, and shall also
be approved by a majority of all the members
elected to each House of the General Assembly, at
its next session after said election.
Issue bonds.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of the said County are hereby author-
ized to issue the bonds of the County to the amount
of the Stock so subscribed, and to negotiate said
bonds upon the most favorable terms ; provided,
they shall not be sold for less than par; and the
Levy to pay
said County Commissioners are authorized to levy
upon the assessable property of the County an
amount sufficient to pay the annual interest upon
said bonds, and the principal at maturity.
In force.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, This Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 2, 1870.