1870.] OF THE SENATE. 675Henry, Timmons,
Hyland, Welch,
Jump, Wilson—22. Said bill, as amended, was then passed by yeas and nays,
as follows:
AFFIRMATIVE. Messrs. President, Maddox,
Biggs, Malone,
Browne, Parker,
Carroll, Sellman,
Clarke, Snyder,
Earle, Spates,
Fields, Stephenson,
Grove, Timmons,
Henkle, Welch,
Henry, Wilson—21.
NEGATIVE—None. Said bill was then returned to the House of Delegates. Mr. Earle, from the Committee of Conference, to whom
was referred House bill entitled an Act to provide for the re-
newal of certain bonds and certificates of indebtment of the
State already due, and of others falling due in the year 1870,
submitted, the following REPORT. Amend section 2 by changing the numbering to section 3.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Comptroller
and Treasurer are hereby authorized, with the approbation
of the Governor, to sell and dispose of the Baltimore city six
per cent. stock, amounting to one hundred, and fifty-four
thousand five hundred and fifty dollars, ($154,550,) belong-
ing to the State, and the State's stock in the Farmers' Na-
tional Bank of Annapolis, amounting to forty-six thousand
four hundred and seventy dollars, ($46,470,) and the State's
common stock in the main-stem of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company, amounting to five hundred thousand dol-
lars, ($500,000,) the same to be disposed of in the order above
named, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the pur-
pose of paying and cancelling so many of the said bonds of
this State already due and to become due in the year 1870,
as the holders thereof may require to be paid, and who may
refuse to accept new and substituted bonds therefor, as herein-
before provided; and the Comptroller is hereby authorized to
draw his warrant upon the Treasurer, who thereupon is au-
thorized to pay to the holders so demanding payment the