544 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS [Mar. 24,Mr. Earle, from the Committee on Finance, to whom the
leave was granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to refund
moneys overpaid into the Treasury by James McNeal, ad-
ministrator of James H. McNeal, deceased, and Samuel S.
Yeo, late Tax Collector for Talbot county. Which was read the first time. Mr. Henry, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was
referred the Senate Joint Resolutions relative to the alleged
indebtedness of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
to the State of Maryland, reported, them without amendment. On motion by Mr. Earle, The further consideration of said report was postponed
until one o'clock. Mr. Stephenson, from the Select Committee, to whom was
referred House bill entitled an Act to authorize the County
Commissioners of Harford county, to sell a part of the poor
house farm and to erect suitable buildings for the use of the
paupers of said county, &c., reported it without amendment. Said bill was then read the second time. Mr. Stephenson, from the Select Committee, to whom the
leave was granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to assess
and collect taxes on the property of the several Railroad Cor-
porations chartered by the State of Maryland. Which was read the first time. Mr. Carroll, from the Select Committee, to whom the leave
was granted, reported a bill entitled an Act to authorize the
Comptroller to pay over to the School Commissioners of How-
ard county, the arrearages due from the Academic Fund, and
to pay annually to said county the amounts due from such
fund. Which was read the first time.
On motion by Mr. Carroll,
Said bill was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Senate bill entitled an Act to refund to Albert Sig-
mund, the sum of two hundred and four dollars, erroneously
paid into the Treasury, Was read the second, time and ordered to be engrossed, for
a third reading. Mr. Clarke, from the Select Committee to whom was re-
ferred House bill entitled an Act for the better protection of
game in Baltimore and Carroll counties, reported it Without