1870.] OF THE SENATE. 247Reported it with the following amendments : Section 1, line 5, after the word "and," insert the words,
section nine (9), in relation to the charges for carrying pas-
sengers and freight. Section 5, line I, strike out "5" and insert 6.
Add to the end of section 4: That the said President and
Directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to pur-
chase, with the funds of said company, and to place on any
railroad constructed by them under this Act, all machines,
wagons, vehicles or carriages of any description whatever,
which they may deem necessary or proper ; and they shall
have power to charge for tolls upon and the transportation of persons, goods, produce, merchandise or property of any
kind whatever transported by them along said railroad for all
freights not exceeding twelve cents per ton per mile, which
shall be in full for all tolls and transportation of freight and
of passengers, not exceeding six cents per mile for each pas-
senger and baggage not weighing more than fifty pounds. Which were severally adopted.
The sections as amended were read and adopted. Said bill was then read the second time and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading. Mr. Clarke submitted the following message : BY THE SENATE,
February 18th, 1870. Gentlemen of the House of Delegates : We respectfully ask your Honorable Body to return to the
Senate for further consideration, the "bill entitled an Act to
repeal sections 958 and 959, of an Act entitled an Act to
ratify the purchase, and to provide for the organization and
government of Druid Hill and Patterson Parks, belonging
to the City of Baltimore, by incorporating certain additional
sections," which passed the Senate on the 16th inst. By order,
Secretary. Which was read and assented to, and sent to the House of
Delegates. The "Senate bill entitled an Act to repeal the Act of 1868,
chapter 63, in relation to certain roads in Allegany county,
and the appointment of Superintendents of the said roads, Was read the second time and ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. The Senate bill entitled an Act to alter and amead the